Secure access for every citizen
itsme® has been widely adopted in government platforms and apps. In Belgium, it is the easiest, most secure, and most preferred way to connect with all public services. Additionally, itsme® offers the possibility to electronically sign documents, which advances administration for government officials, mayors, magistrates, etc.

Online government to make life easier for citizens
itsme® offers a complete identity solution that caters to different verification and identification needs.
Acces to public services
itsme® gives citizens the possibility to safely log in and get access to online governmental platforms without needing a password or eID software.
Easy administration
With the verified ID data of itsme®, you can verify the identity of your citizens. This simplifies public administration and speeds up processes.
Sign documents
What used to be a lengthy process of printing and scanning is now a 10-second action. 100% legally binding and safe.
Accessible to everyone
itsme® is accessible to every citizen of Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland and Portugal. Citizens can log in to government services in the same way they log in to their bank accounts or other services.
Modern online government
itsme® contributes to a government that meets today's digital needs. It increases administrative efficiency, reduces paperwork, speeds up processes, and lowers the risk of identity fraud. In short, a government that fulfils the digital needs of today.
Privacy by design
Trust in online public services
Citizens regain control over their data. This, combined with the user-friendly nature of itsme®, significantly increases user satisfaction and promotes trust in the government.
Identity services at the highest level
- Qualified Trust Service Provider (eIDAS)
- identity with Level of Assurance High (eIDAS)
- ISO: ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified
- General Data Protection Regulation