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5 HR documents that benefit from a QES

In Belgium and other European countries, employment contracts are most notably required to have a Qualified Electronic Signature (QES)* for legal validity. However, other HR documents, such as policies, data consent forms, remote work agreements, and more, can also benefit from a QES to ensure authenticity and integrity. In this context, itsme, which offers a user-friendly qualified signature solution, is a very valuable tool for HR professionals.

5 key examples of documents that benefit from a QES and why:

  • Employment contracts: As mentioned, these kinds of documents legally require a QES. Thanks to itsme, HR professionals can legally and easily sign employment and interim contracts with candidates, making the onboarding process more efficient. 

  • Payroll and compensation: Agreements related to salary adjustments, bonuses, and other compensation-related matters may require QES to confirm the employee's acceptance.

  • Policies and Procedures: Documents outlining company work regulations, codes of conduct, and HR policies, when updated or distributed to employees, may require QES for legal compliance and employee acknowledgment.

  • Sales compensation and bonuses: HR can simplify managing sales compensation and bonuses by using itsme e-signature to obtain sales representatives' acknowledgment and acceptance of compensation plans, commission structures, and bonus agreements. 

  • Termination agreements: When an employee leaves the company, severance agreements, non-compete agreements, or other termination-related documents require QES for legal validity.

Consistency is key

Consistency and familiarity in document signing processes are key to accelerating HR processes. That's why itsme not only ensures legal compliance but also streamlines HR interactions. Your business can provide an exceptional digital experience, ultimately leading to improved business outcomes.

Want to learn more?

*A Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) is the highest type of electronic signature that is legally recognized as equivalent to a handwritten signature in many jurisdictions, particularly in the European Union (EU). It is part of the broader framework of electronic signatures and is defined by the EU eIDAS (Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services) Regulation, which provides a legal framework for electronic signatures and trust services within the EU.